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Incorporating Evidence into Pharma Strategies

Paving the Path to Success

Work with Olson Strategies

Here are a few of the major areas of research where I can help you.  Let me know if you are interested in one of these areas or would like to explore a customized topic.

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Implementation Science

Most new therapies don't reach their full potential because development programs focus on registration and reimbursement and ignore how to translate the research findings into routine clinical practice.  Reach full potential with Implementation Science.

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Build and Value an
Evidence Strategy

For any disease area, I can help build an evidence strategy.  And, we can put a value on it so that others understand the impact that evidence can make. In turn, this helps the internal decision making process so that investments are made in an objective manner.

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Training and Education

You're looking for something generic and yet tailored to your specific needs?  No problem.  Training programs can be delivered that fit your individual needs on a host of topics including: RWE, integrated evidence, Implementation Science, HEOR, and Evidence Value.

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Understand the Power of Evidence

...and its limitations

Many evidence packages "tick the boxes" without thinking about the impact that the results could make.  To understand the potential impact of evidence, we investigate which value levers will be triggered and how this affects the number of patients reached. Implementation issues are, of course, also investigated.  Internal understanding of the package and its potential needs to be reached in order to unlock the full Power of Evidence. 

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